Sunday, September 25, 2011

Howard Raiffa's Memoir: Analytical Roots of a Decision Scientist

Estelle and Howard Raiffa just hosted a book party, to mark the publication of his new book "Memoir: Analytical Roots of a Decision Scientist."

I guess the mark of a pioneer whose work is still of wide, contemporary interest is that, when you read his memoir, you feel he's talking about the early days, not the old days...

Incidentally, Raiffa is my PhD advisor's PhD advisor, and the last picture in the book, titled "Intergenerations of Ph.D. mentors..." is of Raiffa, Bob Wilson, and me. It was taken at Stanford on the occasion of the conference that resulted in the volume Game Theory in the Tradition of Bob Wilson, which includes the short article by Howard, "Tribute to Robert Wilson on his 65th Birthday."

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